Mary Levesque, resident of Arlington since Sep. 2005, wears several hats within the community. These hats include mother, friend, runner, volunteer, representor on the school board, and more.

Mary is interested in the health of the community and her individual health, as seen through her volunteering and participation in the Arlington Runners Club. She shares, “I like to go outside and go running with my friends, and my favorite place to go running is the airport trail. I love to go outside in nature. I also love going across the river and see the river, it’s always changing.” Arlington hasn’t only given her opportunities to raise her family in “a great place to raise a family” as she shares, but it also provides her great views to enjoy as she exercises and explores with her friends.

When not enjoying the beauty of Arlington and being with her family, Mary can be found volunteering. Mary’s passion for volunteer work stems from her goal to help the children of the community. She shares, “Really it’s about children, it’s about the health and safety of children. What my whole life’s work is about is raising a family and volunteering in the schools and serving on the PTA.” When discussing her PTA work and what influenced her to serve on the Washington school board, Mary shares, “I saw there was a significant need in our community to help out and it was so rewarding and so fun and so needed.”

Her example can help inspire others to serve. When asked how individuals interested in volunteering and getting involved in the community can find such opportunities, Mary was able to share her insight and give a few options to consider. She advises, “Our schools desperately need volunteers. You can contact your local school and ask how you can get involved. We have lots of volunteer opportunities for PTA, that’s an option. If you just want to come help read books to kids in a classroom, that’s an option. The Arlington runner’s club always needs volunteers to help put on our runs. There are so many other great volunteer organizations in our community that always need help.”

Mary leaves those within the community with a message of the personal benefits of volunteering. Her message to us is encouragement for “people to get involved wherever their passion is, wherever they enjoy helping out, because it’s so rewarding and it’s so beneficial for our whole community, it makes us stronger.” Consider for yourself how you can help those around you to, as Mary says, make us all stronger.