Teaching Financial Independence

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This is an opportunity, especially to those in our community ages 16 to 30, but open to the whole community. This seminar series will be held on Wednesdays May 15, May 22, May 29 and June 5 at 6:00 PM at the Innovation Center, 404 N. Olympic, Arlington, Washington. This is FREE.

Teaching Financial Independence by Building Wealth, and how you too can get there.

Mr. Branthoover teaches financial concepts that are no longer provided to young people
by our primary and secondary educational institutions. His seminars will provide those
attending with the tools necessary to understand the many financial systems needed to
build wealth and become financially independent.

Understanding subjects such as The Cost of Money, Taking and Managing Risk, Credit
Management, Interest Slavery, Impacts of Inflation, Wealth Building, and Investing are just
a few of the subjects that will be covered during the Seminars.

You will also learn.

*   How Banks operate, and how and why they need you.
*   What is FDIC and Federal Reserve Bank, and how they affect your money every day.
*   How Credit Unions operate, and how they can impact your financial growth and health.
*   How to invest to direct your financial future.
*   The rule of 17 years and what it means to you.
*   How to start your plan to independence.

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